Direct links to interesting people are enjoyed by those who book Sedona UFO Tours at Sedona West. Sedona West facilitates people from all over the world into a series of exclusive Reverend John Polk UFO Tours. Through Sedona DarkSkyStarParty, Luminary Reverend John Polk, raises awareness, expounds upon and demonstrates for participants, the UFO presence across the intergalactic & planetary space. Sedona West @ Diamondback Gulch, is proud to feature the presence & knowledge of Reverend John Polk who is a credible expert UFOLOGIST & well known researcher, at Sedona West DarkSkyStarParty Adventures. Welcome all to Sedona West! A Partial point of our MISSION Statement: “Preservation of like minded ideas & ideals for the Preservation of ecology-friendly Culture [Earth & People friendly ways of life] and insulation & protection from the Nonsence of the Maelstrom of the Nothing“
Galactic Space and the Interdimensional Reality is no joke and is in fact a hot topic everywhere in the world today. Over the course of recent years, there were the many conversations over lunch and special events with the many interesting people; including Mr. George Noory of Coast to Coast Am reaching 20 million listeners each night. There is the Jeff Rense radio show that reaches 15 million listeners each night and 78 of the top UFO, Alien abduction, Cattle mutilation and Crop circle researchers on this planet starting with Mar Allin, Colin Andrews, Fernand Belzil, Robert Bigelow, Greg Bishop, Project Blue Book, Peter Davenport, Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Sean Casteel, Mufon, Dick Criswell, and Stan Crosby. Also Ted Devis, Robert O. Dean, Stan Deyo, Richard Doty, Laurance Doyle, Ann Druffel, Don Ecker, Jose Escamilla, Frank Feschino, Timothy Good, Stan Gordon, George Green, John Greenewald, Graham Hancock, Terry Hansen, Eltjo Haselhoff, Richard C. Hoagland, Heidi Hollis, Budd Hopkins, Michael Horn, Linda Moulton Howe, David M. Jacobs, Angelia Joiner, Eric Julien, Shelley Kaeh, and Mark Kirby.
Reverend John Polk shall convey the discovery, enhance & spark the imagination for all who come to find themselves at Sedona West & the great and ongoing DarkSky – StarParty Conferences. Enter the excitement, immerse into this incredible alternate experience. Begin to comprehend a higher awareness through the activities around Interdimensional Galactivation. Sedona West salutes the professionalism & the work of Reverend John Polk & Associates in these fields of research. Diamondback Gulch is a phenomenal DarkSky – StarParty location & organized special-events assemblage venue forthcoming.